Preparing for “TZAV RISHON” and the recruitment process for IDF can mean the difference between an interesting and meaningful role, that will help even your future, to a role that doesn’t use your full potential.

So if it's important for you to succeed in “TZAV RISHON”, to learn how to leave a good impression in your personal interview, to familiarize and understand the recruitment process, from the first steps at your home, to the different stations at “TZAV RISHON”, to even extra tests and activities, or take advantage of the opportunity and prepare for your recruitment test too - then you’re at the right place

BE-MAITAVI program will strengthen and improve the self confidence of the students and promises a smooth and effective entry to a meaningful service in the Israeli Defense Force. This is through the fulfillment of the student’s true potential.

I fear that I won’t get a significant role in order to provide meaningful service

I feel alone when dealing with a huge, complex system, that is the IDF

I want to join elite forces in intelligence, computers, and technical roles, but I don’t know what is required

I want to join the best combat forces in the IDF but I don’t know what I need to do to stand out

I am hesitant because of the mental fortitude expected and the new world I am going to find myself in... What are the tools and the best way to deal with these fears?

“I am hesitant of the unfamiliar acclimatization process with strict rules, a clear hierarchy and a new social structure

I fear that I won’t get a significant role in order to provide meaningful service

I feel alone when dealing with a huge, complex system, that is the IDF

I want to join elite forces in intelligence, computers, and technical roles, but I don’t know what is required

I want to join the best combat forces in the IDF but I don’t know what I need to do to stand out

I am hesitant because of the mental fortitude expected and the new world I am going to find myself in... What are the tools and the best way to deal with these fears?

“I am hesitant of the unfamiliar acclimatization process with strict rules, a clear hierarchy and a new social structure

Col. (Res.) Itay Levi

About me

Experienced in instructing and training with deep insight into the enlistment process in the Israeli Defense Force.

Possesses leadership skills and creates dialogue that builds trust in a multicultural environment and the ability to provide customized solutions.

Possesses significant experience in teaching and personal counseling of hundreds of rookies and soldiers in the IDF

Developing and leading a program to encourage enlistment into combat units through lectures in high schools and home visits.

Commanding and fighting in the paratrooper regiment and commander school including personal contribution in military operations and wars.

“Be-Maitavi” program will bring forth your true potential using personal guidance in order to achieve meaningful service in the IDF


Personal responsibility

Know yourself



My services:

  • Mental preparation: building personal resilience, guiding the new reality, and help you adapting to the changing environment

  • Personal counseling in preparation for “Tzav Rishon,” including an in-depth explanation of the steps involved.

  • Interview preparation for “Tzav Rishon” - conducting a mock interview and providing constructive feedback.

  • Explanation of Personal preference questionnaire and health checks, with tips of how to fill the questionnaire in a way that maximizes the chances for student’s wishes to align with the potential they exhibited during “Tzav Rishon”.

  • Explanation and preparation for the recruitment test- conducting mock tests and providing feedback.

  • Training and familiarizing with the decision process- Expanding knowledge about decision for patrol models, grouping models, and Erez plan.

  • Lectures for jewish youth in different movements that encourage enlistment and preparation for the IDF.

  • All-Inclusive personal counseling plan- Mentoring for all stages including ones post-enlistment with different units and commanders.

Each of my services have different meeting schedules and require differing time frames, for more information and further questions please contact:

Leave your details and I will be happy to get back to you.