My name is Itay Levy, I am 44, married and father of four. I spent most of my adult life in military service, 25 years of which as the rank of colonel in the IDF. Throughout my service, I went from one field position to another, where I learned about people, about strength, about integrity, and the importance of teamwork. In the summer of 2023, after many years of intensive service, I decided to embark on a new kind of journey - a journey of being present in the lives of my children and family. I felt it was about time I was there for them, after years of not being present enough in their lives. However, only two months after being released from duty, the war broke out and I realized I must return to uniform and contribute to my country. Determined, I returned to do the best I could in order to help.

Come the summer of 2024, I thought again about my future. I knew I wanted to continue and contribute, but this time, in a different way. I realized my true passion was for education. I was accepted into a specialized course for training teachers and school administrators, where I saw myself standing in front of a class, teaching and inspiring the next generation; It was truly something special. But seemingly out of nowhere, life had other plans for me and my family. A significant professional opportunity was presented to my wife, which ultimately led us to move to the United States.

After so many years with my wife as the anchor of my family, I decided to support her and her career. After moving to New Jersey, I started looking for a way to combine the years of experience I have with the military, and my love for educating and guiding youth, with my new life here in the US.

Through conversations with American youth, lone soldiers and families whose children joined the IDF, I discovered a gap I can fill. I realized that many young people struggle with difficulties regarding service preparation, dealing with the intricate military system, and fulfilling their true potential. I realized that I have the abilities and experience to help them.

After coming to this realization, I came up with the idea. The idea to found the “bemaitavi” project that will bridge this gap and help American Youth prepare for meaningful service in the IDF. My goal is to build a relationship of mutual trust with my students, through respectful, understandable, and meaningful conversations, and through a deep understanding of the individual hardships every person deals with. I believe that every youth can contribute and serve our country in the best way possible, and I want to be there to help them achieve their full potential.

my story

my story

Itay Levy, age 44, married and father of four. I spent most of my adult life in military service, 25 years of which as the rank of colonel in the IDF. Throughout my service, I went from one field position to another, where I learned about people, about strength, about integrity, and the importance of teamwork. In the summer of 2023, after many years of intensive service, I decided to embark on a new kind of journey - a journey of being present in the lives of my children and family. I felt it was about time I was there for them, after years of not being present enough in their lives. However, only two months after being released from duty, the war broke out and I realized I must return to uniform and contribute to my country. Determined, I returned to do the best I could in order to help.

Come the summer of 2024, I thought again about my future. I knew I wanted to continue and contribute, but this time, in a different way. I realized my true passion was for education. I was accepted into a specialized course for training teachers and school administrators, where I saw myself standing in front of a class, teaching and inspiring the next generation; It was truly something special. But seemingly out of nowhere, life had other plans for me and my family. A significant professional opportunity was presented to my wife, which ultimately led us to move to the United States.

After so many years with my wife as the anchor of my family, I decided to support her and her career. After moving to New Jersey, I started looking for a way to combine the years of experience I have with the military, and my love for educating and guiding youth, with my new life here in the US.

Through conversations with American youth, lone soldiers and families whose children joined the IDF, I discovered a gap I can fill. I realized that many young people struggle with difficulties regarding service preparation, dealing with the intricate military system, and fulfilling their true potential. I realized that I have the abilities and experience to help them.

After coming to this realization, I came up with the idea. The idea to found the “bemaitavi” project that will bridge this gap and help American Youth prepare for meaningful service in the IDF. My goal is to build a relationship of mutual trust with my students, through respectful, understandable, and meaningful conversations, and through a deep understanding of the individual hardships every person deals with. I believe that every youth can contribute and serve our country in the best way possible, and I want to be there to help them achieve their full potential.

BE-MAITAVI's values:

Feel like a part of the community, discuss what values the IDF stand for. The realization that you are becoming part of something that is much bigger than yourself, thus becoming stronger.



Make excellence your way of life, setting high standards for yourself: setting clear expectations for a service role and inspire confidence in the face of the grades received during the “Tzav Rishon”

We say, “when it seems like luck goes to the guys who excel, they really are just more prepared”


Building mutual trust: Creating conversations in order for the student to feel comfortable sharing, listening, and learning.

Strengthening self-confidence: Encouraging each student to believe in themselves, to take risks, and leave their comfort zone.

Personal example: The instructor will set an example for mutual trust and appreciation.

Know yourself

Self-reflection: Encouraging students to explore their inner self, their strengths and weaknesses, and their guiding principles.

Developing individuality/self-awareness: Using different tools such as tests, roleplaying exercises, and discussions in order to make each student know themselves better.

Setting goals for enlistment: Help students establish personal goals and develop a working plan to achieve said goals.

personal responsibility

Continuous learning: Encouraging self-learning as a part of the preparation for the enlistment process. Focusing on the strengths of the students while thinking about and developing new, relevant skills.

Aspiration for improvement: Encouraging students to reach their potential and be the best they possibly can.

Critical thinking: Develop the ability to assess situations, analyze information and formulate a personal position.